Book Review – Jika Kita Tak Pernah Baik-baik Saja

Book Identity

Tittle : Jika Kita Tak Pernah Baik-baik Saja

Author : Alvi Syahrin

Editor  : Tesara Rafiantika

Publisher : Gagasmedia

Publication Year : 2020

Theme : Self development



This book is about the bad thing that happened in life, like fail at something, feel sad after breaking up with you boy/girlfriend, have a conflict with your bestie, and many other disappointing things. This book wants us to know the meaning of disappointment that we feel but also the meaning of happiness and how important self-love was. This book consists of 4 chapters, which those four chapters form a cycle or process of healing pain.


First chapter, Patah hati, pengkhianatan, dan kehilangan. So this chapter contains our condition, how devastated that we felt, disappointed, angry, sad, and other mixed bad feelings that we feel when we receive pain that we get from having a relationship with other social beings, whether it’s friends or family.


Then the second chapter, Letting Go: Melepaskan. This chapter contains the second process of pain healing, which is to let go of all the things that hurt us, tell us to not feel angry or want to revenge anymore so that we can solve the problem more easily and quickly. This chapter also contains ways to deal with any bad situation.


The third chapter, Kebahagiaan Yang Telah Lama Hilang, is about our search for the meaning of happiness itself after a problem. The writer, Alvi Syahrin, also told us to pay more attention to ourselves, to be more understanding about what we want or feel and told us that it’s okay to not be okay sometimes but life is not that terrible just because of the problem we are facing now because we still have a good thing, happy thing that happened beside of the problem we have to deal with.


Last chapter, Self Love, about stop blaming ourselves for all bad things that happened, all the problems that occur, make peace with all circumstances, and also tell us to start behaving better with ourselves.


For me, this book was great and fun to read in your free time because even the language writer uses was formal but not that heavy and easy to understand. Then all the things the writer wants to convey is easy for us, as a reader, to understand because the author also makes an example of an event that he wants to convey with other events that are simpler but has the same meaning. For example


“Seperti bayi yang belalar melangkah;

seorang ibu mungkin ada di sisinya,

memanggil namanya, memegang tangannya, 

tetapi sang ibu tak pernah mampu

mengukuhkan langkah sang bayi;

itu adalah perjuangan sang bayi sendiri."


from that event, Alvi Syahrin wants told us that no matter hard your family, your friends support you, give you motivasion like “it’s okay if you feel sad right now, it's okay if you're not doing it well today, but you must keep your spirit up” and many more motivations to cheers you up, if you don't want to get up yourself, you still feel sad, feel regret about thing that happened in your life, all those motivation said by your family and friends will mean nothing because everything has to start with and from yourself. 

Next  advantage/strength of this book is because the problems that are raised by the writer are problems that often occur in our life or our environment, we can easily feel relate to it.

Alvi Syahrin also reminds us to never forget and always remember Allah Swt. at every step we want to take or are currently living and he also slip some hadith.



Okay, last, conclusion. For those of you who don’t feel okay right now, for you who think “duh, why everything was so complicated” “why it happened to me” and many more, maybe this book can help you feel better and not feel lonely like “oh, someone feels what I feel”. And then just like heavy rains that will subside, floods that will recede, fires that will be extinguished, the problems we go through, no matter how difficult it is, will pass too. So just carry on, slowly, carry out the process of healing your pain itself until your pain is successfully healed by your efforts. It's hard for sure, ofc it is, there will be obstacles too, but for us to get pain, there is a process first, we feel happy first, then something starts to stretch, and other things before we feel pain because we being hurt, so it's the same with pain also takes time to heal. So just be patient.




